Directive on student plagiarism

  • Réf. 0008
  • Date de première publication : 25/10/2011

The Rectorate has adopted this directive pursuant to Articles 6 and 44 of the University Act and Article 72 of the University Statutes:

Academic work must be an independent, personal and original creation. Plagiarism and attempted plagiarism are serious infringements of University ethics and research integrity.

This directive spells out the rights and duties of members of the academic community with respect to student plagiarism. It also reminds students and faculty of their duty to avoid plagiarism of any kind and outlines the procedure to be followed where plagiarism is suspected or confirmed.

1. Definition

Plagiarism is defined as inserting in one's academic work formulations, phrases, passages, images or whole chapters, as well as ideas or analyses, taken from the work of other authors or produced using a generative artificial intelligence tool, and passing them off as one's own. 
Plagiarism is committed by the author of the work either by actively appropriating the aforementioned elements or by omitting the correct reference, whether intentionally or not.
it is also considered plagiarism to recycle content that has already been assessed, by reproducing without reference all or part of the author's own pre-existing work (self-plagiarism), or to have an academic work written by a third party (ghostwritting).
The use of one or more generative artificial intelligence tools for all or part of an academic assignment submitted for assessment, beyond the framework and limits set, constitutes a case of fraud.
Faculty rules and/or detailed instructions from instructors establish how correct referencing should be done, as well as the framework and limits for the use of generative artifical intelligence tools.

2. Information

  1. University bodies will regularly inform students about what is expected in terms of referencing and the action that may be taken against plagiarists.
  2. With the libraries' support, faculties will take appropriate steps (through training and information seminars, distribution of explanatory documents, the signing of declarations certifying the original nature of work performed, etc.) to make students and faculty more aware of this problem.

3. Checking for plagiarism

All doctoral theses will be checked for plagiarism by anti-plagiarism software and any other appripriate means. Master's and bachelor's mémoires and other research work will also be checked in all cases of suspected plagiarism and also by random sampling.

4. Procedure

  1. Faculty members responsible for a course or research work will decide on the checks to be undertaken by themselves or by other faculty members under their direction. A faculty member who detects or suspects plagiarism but is not responsible for the course or research work in question will inform the faculty member who is responsible for it; the latter will decide what further checks need to be carried out.
  2. The faculty member responsible for the course or research project will establish a file containing his or her report on the specific case, the anti-plagiarism software report and any other evidence for the Dean.
  3. The university study regulations lay down the procedure to be followed and academic sanctions.
  4. The Dean will refer the matter to the disciplinary council, after consulting the appropriate faculty body, where applicable,
    1. where the Dean considers that disciplinary action should be envisaged;
    2. in all cases where a failing mark due to the sanction for plagiarism is final and lead to the student being excluded from the faculty in question.
  5. A student accused of plagiarism must be heard before the faculty body takes any decision, and shall have access to the entire file concerning their case.
  6. The appropriate faculty bodies and, where applicable, the university disciplinary council will decide on sanctions.

5. Sanctions

  1. Any sanction applied shall respect the principle of proportionality.
  2. Sanctions may be academic or disciplinarym and may be cumulative.
  3. Academic sanctions are determined by the faculty study regulations. The following factors will be taken into account : type and academic level of the work concerned (bachelor's or master's work, exam validating a master's level course, doctoral thesis, etc.), repeated offences, intentional nature of the offence, and qualitative and quantitative aspects of the plagiarism.
  4. The following disciplinary sanctions may be imposed by the disciplinary council : warning, suspension and expulsion.

6. Final provision

This directive will come into force on 19 September 2011.

It cancels and replaces the Directive on student plagiarism of 8 December 2008.


 Adopted by the Rectorate on 12 September 2011.

Version Purpose of the amendment Publication date
3 Modifications to the preamble and the definition in the accordance with "the statement on artificial intelligence" 19.12.2024
2 Controlled document updated in November 2013 21.11.2001 : Addition of the English version outside the revision process. Complete revision of the document. Replaces the "Student Plagiarism" Directive and its appendix. 25.10.2011
1 System change. Continues and replaces: Di 20-01-03: Directives and recommendations of the University of Geneva concerning student plagiarism 08.12.2008


Auditor Natacha Hausmann (Head of Legal Affairs Department)
Approver Didier Raboud (Secretary general)

Dernières modifications : 19/12/2024