Guidelines on Core Facilities, governance and operating conditions

  • Réf. 0370
  • Date de première publication : 29/04/2024

Key facts

The University of Geneva (UNIGE) is home to dozens of core facilities of very different types and operating modes, a situation that presents a number of risks. To optimize their governance and operating conditions, the UNIGE has decided to adopt a directive describing the rules for the proper management of core facilities. This document sets out these rules, regarding the organizational, financial, security and legal framework required to ensure their efficient, sustainable, long-term and transparent organization.

Core facilities affiliated at UNIGE must meet the following compliance criteria:

  1. Be listed in the core facilities inventory maintained by the Research & Grants Office (RGO) and be registered with a Faculty or an Interfaculty Center,
  2. Establish a governance structure that includes at least a scientific committee, an operational team, and a user assembly,
  3. Have an internal organizational regulation (OR),
  4. Establish a financing plan,
  5. Recognize three types of users (internal, external academic, non-academic) and set user fees for each type,
  6. Produce an annual activity report,
  7. Adhere to FAIR principles regarding data management and respect the UNIGE's institutional research data management policy,
  8. Be subject to regular evaluations.

Compliance with these rules is a condition for access to institutional sources of funding. These guidelines also propose some simple and non-restrictive recommendations, allowing the core facilities the flexibility they need to operate and evolve.


Core facilities are collaborative research infrastructures that generate data useful for research. These core facilities have become essential, as they enable us to pool resources and provide researchers with cutting-edge equipment and the expertise they need to investigate scientific questions from a new angle and/or with greater resolution. The core facilities bring together equipment specific to a given field of experimental research, such as corpuscular or molecular analysis instruments, imaging instruments and manipulation areas, as well as digital infrastructures for exploiting the data produced by research activities.
The aim of these guidelines is to (i) clarify the criteria that define the core facilities used by researchers at the University of Geneva (UNIGE), (ii) describe the governance framework that guarantees that they are developed and operated in accordance with optimal standards, and (iii) set out the conditions for an efficient, sustainable and transparent organization. These rules are intended to be simple and unrestrictive, so that the core facilities can retain a high degree of flexibility and remain at the forefront of technological development. Access to UNIGE's financial resources is conditional on the application of governance as defined in this directive. The core facilities covered by these guidelines are mainly dedicated to fundamental research and are inventoried by the UNIGE's Research and Grants Office (RGO). Individual shared facilities are not covered by the core facilities, nor are facilities that only offer a service, such as animal husbandry, sports facilities, catering outlets or libraries.


A core facilities is a cutting-edge technology centre dedicated to research, developed according to a collaborative, open, long-term, scalable and sustainable model, usually on the initiative of one or more groups of researchers (bottom-up approach), but whose offering goes beyond the needs and interests of these groups alone. The core facilities' mission is to enable the academic scientific community and external partners to have access to innovative scientific equipment, recognised expertise, databases and/or digital tools to which they would not have access without this collaborative approach, particularly for financial or logistical reasons. As a result, core facilities are involved to varying degrees in the following missions:

  1. Supporting research with cutting-edge equipment;

  2. Implementing and developing technological advances and innovations;

  3. Generate data, particularly high throughput data;

  4. Facilitate the production of publications that meet the criteria of scientific excellence;

  5. Support the training of the next generation of scientists and the transfer of knowledge;

  6. Contribute to the creation of intellectual property;

  7. Base their development on mixed funding;

  8. Contribute to the scientific, economic and social development of the city and region.


The development and operation of the core facilities are based on the principles set out in the Code of ethics and professional conduct for the Geneva Institutions of Higher Education , the Swiss Code of conduct for Scientific Integrity2, the Open Science Charter3 and the UNIGE guidelines on Integrity in the scientific research4.

[4] Directive sur l’Intégrité dans la recherche scientifique (2012)

ScPs are based on the joint mobilization of human, financial, logistical and structural resources to set up and maintain cutting-edge scientific infrastructures and the associated expertise. Stakeholders, including users, adhere to the principle of a collective dynamic in favor of research and innovation. As a result, ScPs need develop within a stable structural framework that takes account of technological, logistical, human and institutional constraints. The breakdown of funding in terms of equity, in-kind contributions, equipments and services must be specified in the association or partnership agreement.

When the ScPs is large and/or involves structures external to the UNIGE, associates or partners, the legal format is defined with the help of the Legal Affairs Department with a view to drawing up an agreement of the simple partnership type. This format varies according to criteria such as the missions of the ScPs, the nature of its services, the status of the various parties involved, the sources of funding sought, the operating model, particularly financial, and the definition of the circle of users. The Rectorate, acting on proposals from the Deans or Directors of Interfaculty Centers (hereinafter: Centers), approves the establishment of new ScPs within the UNIGE, as well as all ScPs it supports financially. The Rectorate is represented on bodies managing infrastructures involving institutions outside the UNIGE.

ScPs are developed with funding that is usually mixed, consisting of funds obtained from external donors supplemented by the institution's own funds. The management and maintenance costs of ScPs rely mainly on internal funds, assumed by one or more Faculties and/or Centres, depending on the bodies involved in their governance. As a matter of principle, users contribute to operating costs.

Depending on investment and operating budgets, there are three classes of ScPs5 :

  1. Small ScPs if the investment is less than 2 mCHF and/or if the operating costs are less than 1 mCHF /year
  2. Medium ScPs if the investment is between 2 mCHF and 12 mCHF and/or if operating costs range from CHF 1 million to CHF 5 million per year.
  3. Large ScPs if investment exceeds 12 mCHF and/or operating costs exceed 5 mCHF per year.

The size of the ScPs can also be estimated on the basis of the number of users affiliated or not to the UNIGE or the number of research groups listed.

In accordance with the principles of Open Science6, the management of data produced by ScPs is in line with the FAIR principles7 (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reuse of digital assets). Also, the access to the ScPs registered at UNIGE is not restricted to researchers from a specific UNIGE entity but is open to all members of the academic community. The ScPs can also meet the needs of the economic and social community, particularly the local community. UNIGE researchers also have access to regional, national or international ScPs hosted by other institutions. Depending on the case, the UNIGE contributes to their development by co-managing them with one or more other academic partners or national or international not-for-profit bodies, in accordance with the principles described here.


Technological innovations are changing fast, and the world of research is competitive. ScPs need to be attentive to the needs of their various stakeholders, especially users, so that they can rapidly implement the necessary technological innovations. The governance of ScPs is designed to support both their robustness and their organizational flexibility, as well as their ability to anticipate in order to seek out the resources that will enable productivity and quality gains, guarantee sustainability through optimal operation, and enable infrastructures to evolve. For these reasons, governance and management conditions must be designed from the outset of ScP development. Each platform must have its own organizational regulations (RO) that comply with the principles and recommendations set out in the present directive, as well as with all the UNIGE’s directives available on the Memento.

[5] Charte institutionnelle pour la science ouverte de l’Université de Genève
[6] Four Golden Principles for Enhancing the Quality, Access and Impact of Research Infrastructures (LERU 2017);
[7] FAIR principles.


To ensure efficient organization and operation, governance is organized at UNIGE level, with a Strategic Council for Scientific Platforms (Conseil Stratégique des Plateformes Scientifiques), and at the level of each SP that must have governance bodies including at least a scientific committee, an operational team, a user assembly, and define organizational regulations.

The mission of the Strategic Council for Scientific Platforms is to coordinate initiatives for the development and maintenance of the UNIGE's ScPs. Composed of 7 to 11 members, it is chaired by the Vice-Rector in charge of research and includes a representative of the Faculties and Centres that host SCs, appointed by the Deans or Directors of these Centres, as well as the SSR Director. Each member may be represented by a deputy. The Council meets at least once a year, in particular to share best practice experiences. It is empowered to make recommendations on the rules of governance and organization of the ScPs, on proposals for new equipments concerning the ScPs, and on any matter concerning their operation. The Rectorate adopts a position on these recommendations and, where appropriate, disseminates them to the entities concerned.

The Scientific Committee (the “Committee”) is made up of experts and leaders representing the various stakeholders. It is chaired by the SP Scientific Director and meets at least once a year. The committee invites the operational director to attend its meetings in an advisory capacity. The role of the committee is to evaluate the acquisition and investment projects and to monitor its operating methods, needs and resources, particularly human, material and logistical ones. The committee guides the strategic development of the platform, identifies opportunities and threats to its development, implements the necessary adaptation measures and validates the annual activity reports submitted by the management team before 15 March of the current year for the previous year. The committee is responsible for determining the plausibility of the match between the planned budget and the actual development and operating costs, to ensure the ScP viability. It contributes to fundraising campaigns and represents the ScP interests in dealings with the partner entities, i.e. Faculties, Centres, Rectorate and funding bodies. The committee is also represented at user meetings, where it listens to the opinions expressed.

The team includes an operational director, who is in principle an expert in the technologies used on the platform; he/she is trained in management and administration. He/she is assisted by technical and administrative assistants, and possibly by a co-director. He/she manages the organizational, technical and financial running of the ScP, supervises the operational efficiency and safety of the facilities, and ensures that they are used as efficiently as possible. The operational team provides technical training for users and draws up the annual activity reports for the previous year, which are submitted to the Scientific Committee by 15 March of the current year. It also implements the strategy and improvement measures proposed by the Scientific Committee and informs it of any wishes or difficulties expressed by users. It participates in fundraising campaigns by providing technical and logistical arguments.

Regularly consulted, at least once a year, this assembly provides information on operational issues, and expresses requests relating to the optimization of platform operation, user training or equipment needs. In the case of large platforms, the assembly can delegate "super-users" (expert users) to the scientific committee, if the latter deems it useful.

For large platforms and/or those that bring together several institutions, it is recommended that a platform-specific Strategic Council be set up, made up of representatives from the management of the various institutions involved. This council is informed of the needs expressed by users, by the operational team and by the scientific committee; it decides on the ScP multiannual budget guidelines.

The OR sets out the procedures for appointing the operational director, the members of the various bodies, the duration of their terms of office and how they are to be renewed, the arrangements for access to the platform, the method of funding, practical information, the conditions for data management, the rules governing the security of equipments, data and people and the conditions for exploitation, the arrangements for citation in publications (see attached model). The RO specifies the conditions of access to the platform, the conditions of autonomous use of the equipment, including mandatory or recommended training to familiarize oneself with the technology before using the equipment, the conditions for taking part in training courses organized by the ScP, the possibility of individual supervision by a member of the operational team and, if applicable, the conditions of access for students not affiliated with a research group. This document, reviewed by a legal expert from the Rectorate, must be approved by the Scientific Committee and submitted to the colleges of the affiliated structures for validation before being sent to the RGO. It must be made available to the ScP’s collaborators and users, on its website and on that of the RGO.

The "Infrastructures" unit of the RGO is responsible for providing the information needed to set up the ScP governance, as well as the procedural and administrative support required for its development and operation. The RGO provides researchers with an inventory of UNIGE ScPs, as well as information on their contact points and organizational regulations.

Initial financing of ScPs requires extensive internal and external fund-raising from public and private donors at local, national and even international level. The public research funding bodies are the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), which finances partially the infrastructures needed to carry out individual or collaborative research programs (R’Equip, FLARE, NCCR), and the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), which finances research and innovation infrastructure. Foreign funding agencies may also be involved, particularly when Switzerland is a member of European or international scientific networks such as the European Space Agency (ESA) or the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). Private funding from local, regional, European or international foundations may also be sought. These mixed sources of external funding are supplemented by the University's own resources.

From the outset of the platform project, an initial budget8 must be drawn up identifying the funds required for its creation, maintenance and operation. These costs are set out in a financing plan based on the services offered, administrative costs, maintenance costs and income, according to an annual budget (see model in appendix). The operation and maintenance of ScPs are supported by in-kind contributions from the various UNIGE structures involved in each SP. The allocation of institutional resources is conditional on transparent financial management, as described in the annual activity report.

With a few exceptions, users contribute financially to the operating costs of the ScPs. This contribution is included in the ScP budget, as well as in the activity reports, and a projection of the expected income appears in the annual budget forecasts. The way in which costs generated by students not affiliated to a research group are covered is specified in the organizational regulations (students on teaching programs, faculty or center students, etc.).

This contribution comes from the invoicing by the ScPs of their services and the provision of their equipment, according to hourly costs and/or fixed costs. In its internal regulations, each platform sets out a scale of usage costs indicating the amount of charges per service according to the status of the user, who belongs to one of the three following profiles:

  • Users internal to the UNIGE or to the ScP collaborative network. In this case, the fee schedule must be compatible with the funding conditions accepted by the SNSF;
  • Users affiliated to an academic institution outside the UNIGE or the collaborative network. In this case, the fee schedule must be compatible with the funding conditions accepted by the SNSF;
  • Users not affiliated to an academic institution. In this case, the fees charged by the ScP must be in line with a comparable service in the private sector to avoid any unfair competition.

The financial management of ScPs must be compliant with all the guidelines laid down by the UNIGE in this respect9. The sources of funding for the platform in its initial development and maintenance phases must be listed in the RO, and the budget management elements in the annual activity report.

When a UNIGE ScP provides a service to an external party, whether academic or not, a contract must be drawn up in accordance with the procedures applied at the UNIGE10. It is the responsibility of ScPs to record all expenses related to their activities, to manage invoicing and to follow up on debtors. In accordance with the UNIGE Memento, invoices to UNIGE members are issued electronically, while invoices to external parties are issued by means of an invoice request11.
Funds are managed by the ScP’s operational team under the supervision of the Scientific Director. The ScP team is supported by the administration of the concerned structures, and by the Finance Division (DiFIN), they both provide them with the necessary support for financial monitoring and for reporting.

[8] Elaboration du budget de l’Université de Genève (2016).
[9] Respecter le budget par nature et par structure et contrôle budgétaire (2015).
[10] Conclusion des accords de collaboration en matière de recherche et des mandats de service (2014).
[11] Etablir une facture interne (2019) & Etablir une facture à un client externe (2017).

The spaces made available to the ScPs within the University are distributed equitably with the agreement and support of the management of the structures concerned and the Rectorate, and it is advisable to draw up a space occupation plan. The premises are adapted to the equipment, technical constraints and risks involved. They comply with the disaster prevention policy, particularly for natural disasters such as flooding. Recommendations and periodic checks on the compliance and safety of work areas are carried out by the STEPS service12  as soon as the ScPs is created. The introduction of appropriate waste management systems is requested13.
To make ScP facilities more energy-efficient, several strategies can be adopted for building design and engineering. Spaces can be planned in response to local site conditions, and energy-efficient materials and building systems can be promoted. Energy consumption can be controlled using data-driven building energy management systems (BEMS), and alternative renewable energy resources can be introduced.
The maintenance schedule for the platform's equipment is indicated, and equipment is regularly checked in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, thus ensuring its suitability for scientific use. Whether maintenance is carried out internally or externally via a maintenance contract, maintenance reports are regularly updated.
The safety of the property is ensured, in terms of ventilation, fire, circulation of users, etc. in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Commission for the Coordination of Safety at Work (CFST)14 as well as those issued by STEPS at UNIGE15. It is advisable to engage the responsibility of users by having them sign a document indicating the conditions of use and recommendations in the event of an incident. A health and safety correspondent must be identified and trained. In addition, a BioSafety Officer (BSO)16  must be appointed for activities involving biological risks. All incidents must be reported as soon as possible to the ScP’s contact person or to Internal Security17 so that the measures recommended in the OR can be applied to ensure the safety of people, space and equipment.

Specialized staff ensure that the ScP operates smoothly, efficiently and optimally. It is therefore crucial that the UNIGE remains attractive to highly qualified staff by ensuring good working conditions. The operational director is responsible for implementing a work organizational that matches the different tasks of the operational team, particularly the time dedicated to equipment maintenance, to the needs of users, particularly their need for training, to the optimization of equipment, techniques and procedures, to technology monitoring, and to the management of administrative tasks. The manager must regularly discuss professional development opportunities with members of his/her team, encourage them to take appropriate training courses and integrate them into national or international competence networks, which are a source of quality for the platform and career progression . When tensions arise, or problems of overwork, conflict and/or absenteeism appear, the operational director must inform the scientific director and not hesitate to contact the hierarchy and/or an HR expert, who will be able to hear the people concerned, analyze the situation and implement appropriate measures.

The scientific platforms are accessible to all researchers for whom the use of the platform promotes the progress of their research work. To optimize their use and guarantee equitable access, the ScP must set up an online planning tool, allowing direct reservation of equipment and any technical support required. In the absence of such a tool, the OR must describe the access arrangements implemented. In the event that the reservation rate exceeds the capacity of the ScP, the platform management may decide on a more restrictive method of admitting researchers, with the allocation of access time based on priorities linked, for example, to publications in progress (limited period of time to reproduce or complete results), or even on a selection of projects submitted and prioritized according to a process set out in the RO.

ScPs generate often massive scientific data, the management, archiving and processing of which must comply with both the FAIR principles19 and the UNIGE's institutional policy on research data management . According to these principles, the data produced must be organized in a way that is easily accessible, understandable, exchangeable and reusable. To enable researchers to define Data Management Plans (DMPs)20 for submission to the funding bodies that finance their projects, the OR specifies the procedures for producing, archiving and processing the physical and/or digital data generated by the platform for each project.

The platforms must be listed on the websites of the responsible entities, notably the Faculties and Centers, as well as on the website of the RGO responsible for maintaining their inventory up to date. Scientific publications presenting results obtained through the services of the platform, or for which the platform played a significant role, are required to cite the exact name of the platform, the grants funding it, and its URL in the acknowledgments of the publication. Each platform specifies in its internal organizational regulation (OR) how it wishes to be referenced in publications. Valorization initiatives, especially those targeting students or the general public, are encouraged.
Platforms must be listed on the websites of the entities responsible, in particular the Faculties and Centers, also on the website of the RGO, which is responsible for maintaining an up-to-date inventory. Scientific publications that present results obtained through the ScP, or for which the ScP has played an important role, are required to cite in the acknowledgements of the publication the exact name of the platform, the subsidies that fund it, and its URL. Each ScP indicates in its RO how it wishes to appear in publications. Promotional initiatives, particularly those aimed at students or the general public, are encouraged.


[12] Charte de sécurité, santé au travail, protection de l’environnement (2020). (in French)

[13] Etiquetage et traçabilité des produits chimiques (2022). (in French)

[14] Federal Commission for the Coordination of Safety at Work (CFST).

[15] Health Safety Environment (STEPS).

[16] Managing biological risks in contained systems (2021).

[17] Find Help @ UNIGE Internal Security phone number: 022 379 12 22

[18] Développement professionnel du personnel (2023). (in French)

[19] Research data.

[20] About the DMP.

ScPs are subject to internal controls throughout their existence, from the moment they are set up, with the aim of optimizing their management and use, and guaranteeing their sustainability. The allocation of institutional resources, whether for investment in equipment or support for operating costs, is conditional on the production of an annual activity report and the periodic evaluation of the platforms by external experts.

ScPs must meet the following criteria:

  • Registration with a Faculty or Interfaculty Center and with the RGO, with a URL link to the platform's website and provision of the internal organizational regulation (OR).
  • Production of an annual activity report (see model in appendix). In addition to the development of its services in line with its missions, the activity report specifies compliance with the rules of governance, the financial balance sheet and its evolution, the capacity to raise funds enabling the ScP to maintain its performance, the adequacy between needs and resources, the number of users or research groups and its evolution, their level of satisfaction, the measures taken to ensure the safety of users within the spaces, the safety of equipment, the procedures for managing the time allocated to each piece of equipment, services provided by the operational team, working conditions, particularly in relation to workload distribution, professional development opportunities taken up by staff during the period under review, resources dedicated to user training, resources dedicated to data management and their evolution, scientific contributions citing the use of the platform, actions strengthening its visibility as well as its contribution to UNIGE student training programs. For small-scale platforms, this report may be concise.
  • In-depth evaluation by an advisory committee of experts from outside the UNIGE. This evaluation should be carried out at regular intervals, in principle once every five years, enabling the multi-annual development of the PSc to be planned.

The Faculties and Centers participate in the operational and/or strategic control of the ScPs they help to finance and operate. ScPs that fully meet the requirements are guaranteed priority access to institutional funding for their operation and infrastructure renewal for 4 years following their evaluation. ScPs that do not meet the requirements or the expected criteria run the risk of being reorganized or even dismantled.

In the event of a dispute, complaints should be addressed to the Dean's office or the Direction of the Center to which the platform is attached. In the absence of an amicable settlement, the Legal Affairs Service may be consulted by the parties concerned.

Version Purpose of the amendment Publication date
1 Document creation 13.05.2024
Checker Romain Cartoni (Director of the Research and Grants Office)

Sebastien Castelltort (Vice-Recor of Research & Sustainability)

Dernières modifications : 25/02/2025